Elementary School (Jul 2023)

Pengaruh Kemampuan TPACK Guru dan Disposisi Matematis terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri

  • Antike Maulydia,
  • Sugilar Sugilar,
  • Gusti Yarmi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 2
pp. 263 – 274 – 263 – 274


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The purpose of this study was to determine the direct and indirect effects of the teacher's TPACK ability, mathematical disposition and students' mathematics learning outcomes. The approach used quantitative with the expost facto method. The analysis technique used path analysis in SmartPLS 4.0 application. The data presentation with the form of statistical numbers which are then analyzed descriptively. The data collection technique were the form of primary data through questionnaires obtained from school principals and students while the secondary data were in the form of documentation data in the form of class teacher UKG results and student learning outcomes in fractional material. The results of the study explained that the teacher's TPACK ability, class teacher UKG results and Mathematical Disposition did not have a significant influence on student learning outcomes. And there isnt indirect effect of the teacher's TPACK ability on student learning outcomes through mathematical dispositions. (1) A direct effect on the teacher's TPACK ability on mathematics learning outcomes of 3.7% (0,390>0,05). (2) A direct effect of UKG Teachers on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of 1.1% (0,148>0,05). (3) A direct effect of Mathematical Disposition on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of 14.5% (0,806>0,05). (4) An indirect effect of the teacher's TPACK ability on Mathematics Learning Outcomes through a Mathematical Disposition of 2.0% (0,686>0,05). Because tcount > ttable then Ho is accept. The researtch each variable was not obtained significantly with a weak category. It could be concluded that there are factors outside the research variables to increase the direct influence on students' mathematical learning outcomes.