BMC Oral Health (Feb 2019)

Determination of mandibular morphology in a TURKISH population with Down syndrome using panoramic radiography

  • Samed Satir

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 1
pp. 1 – 7


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Abstract Background Down syndrome (DS) is by far the most common known chromosomal disorder. Some characteristic features of DS are generalised growth deficiency, craniofacial abnormalities such as mandibular prognathism and underdevelopment of the midfacial region, dental abnormalities such as taurodontism and hypodontia. Individuals with DS have an increased prevalence of periodontal disease compared with age-matched control patients. The aim of the present study is to determine the morphologic features of the mandible among individuals with DS. Methods Thirty-four DS patients and thirty four age- and gender-matched control subjects underwent panoramic radiography, which included measurement of the mandibular canal (MC), the mandibular foramen (MF), the mandibular ramus (MR), the distance from the MC to the mandibular lower border (C-MLB), and the distance between the MC and the alveolar crest upper limit (C-AUL). Patients were separated into two groups based on age: 0.05). Conclusions Mandibular canal morphology may exhibit anatomical variations in DS. The alveolar bone level may differ from non-DS due to growth development retardation and/or periodontal diseases.
