Infectio (Jan 2020)

Detección molecular de sífilis gestacional y congénita

  • Andrea Tatiana Durán

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 1
pp. 15 – 19


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Abstract Objective: to evaluate a qPCR to detect T.pallidum in serum samples from patients with gestational and congenital syphilis. Methodology: qPCR with probe was optimized for the amplification of the TpN47 gene in serum samples, the sensitivity, specificity and analytical efficiency of the technique were evaluated. It was compared with the serological tests (VDRL and TPPA) and the Kappa concordance index was calculated. Results: the qPCR showed a detection limit of 0.113 femtograms, an analytical specificity of 100% and an accuracy of 104%. Optimal correlation was evidenced in the test, suggested by an r2 of 0.99 and a p value <0.0001 of the qPCR. An agreement was observed between serological and molecular tests. Conclusion: a promising molecular tool was developed with good sensitivity, excellent analytical specificity and great diagnostic potential for the detection and finding of T. pallidum subsp. pallidum, through the amplification of the TpN47 gene in serum from patients with gestational and congenital syphilis.
