Italian Journal of Animal Science (Jan 2010)
Raw Pea (Pisum sativum), raw Faba bean (Vicia faba var. minor) and raw Lupin (Lupinus albus var. multitalia) as alternative protein sources in broiler diets
The ban of the meat and bone meal for entering animal diets and the concern of transgenic feeds poses a challenge toanimal nutritionists in Europe. The challenge is to find homegrown protein-rich feedstuffs, making sure no antinutritionalfactors are present which could interfere in the animals’ performance. The raw Pea (Pisum sativum) (RP), raw Fababean (Vicia faba, variety minor) (RFb) and raw Lupin (Lupinus albus, variety multitalia) (RL) were evaluated as alternativeprotein sources into broiler diets. Six hundred thirty 1d-old Ross male chicks, Marek vaccinated, were randomlyassigned to seven dietary treatments (5 pens per treatment/18 birds per pen). Chicks were floor housed, ad libitum fedisocaloric and isonitrogenous diets and had free access to water. Artificial light was provided 10 h/d. The bulk of the basediet (control diet) was corn (48.7%, 56.6% and 57%), solvent-extracted soybean meal (42.8%, 37.3% and 33.4%), cornoil (4.4%, 5.2% and 6.3%), plus synthetic amino acids, minerals, trace minerals and vitamins, respectively for the 1-10d-old, 11-28d-old and 29 to 42d-old growing periods. The RP, RFb and RL entered diets in substitution of the soybeanand corn according to the cost optimization (P100, Fb100 and L100, respectively for RP, RFb and RL) and at half of theoptimized quantity (RP50, RFb50 and RL50, respectively for RP, RFb and RL). The amount used as fed basis for the higherlevel of inclusion were: P100: 350 g/kg for all diets; Fb100: 480 g/kg (1-10d-old) and 500 g/kg (11-42d-old); L100:360 g/kg (1-10d-old) and 300 g/kg (11-42d-old). The average daily gain (ADG) were lower (P compared to the control group. Over the whole period of growth, the RFb group had similar ADG compared to the controlgroup and for both levels of inclusion, whereas reduced (P (P growth. Birds performance was improved (P and breast and leg quarter cuts. The RFb and RL could represent valuable protein feeds in broilers diet formulation.