طب کار (Feb 2012)

A survey of hearing protection devices usage in industrial workers in Yazd- Iran

  • AH Mehrparvar,
  • J Mirmohammadi,
  • M Fazlalizadeh,
  • MA Ghoveh,
  • M Omrani

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 4
pp. 1 – 6


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Introduction: Noise Induced Hearing Loss(NIHL) is among the most common occupational diseases which may cause irreversible and permanent hearing loss. Noise is the most frequent preventable occupational exposure. The most importanmt cause of NIHL is exposure to noise more than 85 dB and not to use hearing protection devices. Considering the importance of hearing protection deivices for prevention of NIHL, this study was designed to evaluate the frequency of its use and its quality in Yazd industrial workers. Methods: In a cross-sectional study 648 industrial workers in Yazd entered the study and were evaluated for exposure to noise more than 85 dB and the quality of use of hearing protection devices. A questionnaire about the need for hearing protection devices, the quality of its use, using proper device and the reasons to abstain from using was filled for each participant. Results: Mean age and duration of employment of workers was 34.8±9.67 years and 9± 6.2 years. 21% of the workers used hearing protection devices and from these 35.7% used proper device and 54 (64.3%) used nonproper device. There was a significant statistical relationship between age, employment duration, and workers’ income and hearing protection device use. The most frequent reason for not to use devices was worker’s discomfort while wearing protection devices. Conclusion: Frequency of exposure to noise was high, but frequency of using hearing protection devices was low. Most workers couldn’t use the devices correctly. Considering that NIHL is preventable, providing proper devices for workers and their training for correct use is necessary.
