Науковий Вісник Південноукраїнського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені К. Д. Ушинського (Sep 2023)

Organization of competence-based training in the teaching of the Nature subject in general education schools

  • Ali Aghajanli Khudaverdi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 144, no. 3
pp. 41 – 45


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The main aim of the article is to study the organization of the Nature subject in the competence-based teaching at schools. In recent years, the active participation of our Republic in various research programs on the assessment of student achievements has led to positive changes in textbook policy. In such programs (such as TIMSS and PISA), the reading, mathematical, and scientific literacy skills of students are studied and evaluated with specially designed tools. It should be noted that according to the results of the latest TIMSS study, our students were able to demonstrate high mathematical literacy skills. Unfortunately, their scientific literacy scores were lower than the average research score. However, the formation of scientific literacy in the natural sciences is extremely important in training competent young people for the future. In the countries whose students show high results in the TIMSS and PISA research programs (Singapore, China, South Korea, Finland, etc.), the formation of scientific literacy competence in the teaching of Natural Sciences is the main goal of national education. In the article, the way to solve the problem related to the formation of scientific literacy competence in our students at the general secondary education level with the teaching of the integrative "Nature" subject was studied; the importance and necessity of studying this subject were justified. The results of Azerbaijani students in the field of Natural Sciences in comparison with international studies are not satisfactory, the reason for this is that students do not have enough knowledge of scientific concepts and laws in Natural Sciences, and they have difficulty answering real-life situational tasks. Application importance: this theory can be implemented in general education schools.
