Clinical Ophthalmology (Feb 2024)
Significance of Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody Titers in Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody-Positive Ocular Myasthenia Gravis: Generalization and Presence of Thyroid Autoimmune Antibodies and Thymoma [Corrigendum]
Supawongwattana M, Vanikieti K, Jindahra P, Padungkiatsagul T. Clin Ophthalmol. 2023;17:649–656. Page 650, Subject Selection section, third line, the text “from January 2012 to June 2022” should be removed. Page 651, Statistical Analysis section, second sentence, the text “Independent t-test or Mann–Whitney U-test, where appropriate, were used to compare continuous variables.” should be removed. Page 651, Statistical Analysis section, fourth sentence, the text “These variables were compared using Chi-squared or exact test where appropriate.” should be removed. Page 651, Statistical Analysis section, sixth sentence, the text “For multivariate analysis, logistic regression was applied, to simultaneously regress outcomes with variables whose p-values in univariate analysis were <0.1” should read “For multivariate analysis, logistic regression was applied, to simultaneously regress outcomes with variables whose p-values in univariate analysis were <0.05”. Page 651, Statistical Analysis section, seventh sentence, the text “The likelihood ratio test was applied to select and retain only significant variables in the final equation.” should be removed. Pages 651-652, Results section, third paragraph, third sentence, the text “Given the higher incidence and prevalence of autoimmune diseases in females and more evidence of thymoma producing various autoantibodies,12,13 these two factors were also included in the multivariate analysis despite their p-values of >0.1 in univariate analysis” should read “Given the higher incidence and prevalence of autoimmune diseases in females and more evidence of thymoma producing various autoantibodies,12,13 these two factors were also included in the multivariate analysis despite their p-values of ≥ 0.05 in univariate analysis”. Table 2 on page 653, Univariate Analysis column, the OR (95% CI) and the p-value for the ≥ 8.11 nmol/L and Positive ice-pack test, n of subjects/n of subjects with available data (%) rows are incorrect. The correct Table 2 is as follows. Table 4 on page 654, Univariate Analysis column, the OR (95% CI) and the p-value for the ≥ 15.12 nmol/L and Abnormal thyroid function tests, n of subjects (%) rows are incorrect. The correct Table 4 is as follows. The authors apologize for the errors and advise they do not affect the conclusions of the study. Table 2 Factors Associated with Conversion to GMG Table 4 Factors Associated with the Presence of Thymoma