Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (Aug 1998)

Architectural ideotype of pear seedling in five hybrid combinations

  • Vasile GHIDRA,
  • Marin ARDELEAN,
  • Radu E. SESTRAS,
  • Elena TAMAS,
  • Mirela CORDEA,
  • Mariana DEJEU,
  • Lucia COSTIN,
  • Agnes BORS

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 28, no. 1
pp. 49 – 52


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The architectural ideotype - type of growing - was studied in a topcross experiment with five hybrid combinations in which Cluj 72-2-100 selection, typical spur, was used as a maternal tester. The analyzed seedlings were at the end of their sixth year of vegetation. There were no significant differences among the five hybrid combinations concerning the distributions of F1 seedling in the four accepted ideotypes (columnar, spur, standard, and weeping). A high variability was found for ideotype (between 18.8% in Cluj 72-2-100 x Napoca and 34.4% in Cluj 72-2-100 x Red Bartlett). The participation rate of genotype in the phenotypic manifestation of this character is relatively low. The coefficient of heritability in broad sense was 0.29 and the coefficient of heritability in narrow sense was very low, 0.001.
