Florida Public Health Review (Nov 2010)

Reducing Disparities by Improving Access to and Use of Preventive Care

  • Arlesia Brock Mathis

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7
pp. 93 – 100


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Substantial disparities continue to exist in access to health care and in the quality of care received. This study was designed to examine the factors that influence access to and use of preventive care. This study uses logistic and multiple regression analyses to examine influenza vaccination and physician visits. This study includes unique factors such as risky health behavior and general health condition in addition to socio-demographic factors and health insurance. Individuals who do not smoke are 59% more likely to have had a flu shot than those who do. Of those having insurance of any type, individuals with private health insurance are most likely to report having received a flu shot within the last 12 months. Enrolling disadvantaged populations in programs modeled on preventive care may improve access and increase the ability of these groups to benefit from a “medical home.”