Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports (Jul 2015)

Single-Incision Pediatric Endosurgery (SIPES) oophoropexy in an adolescent with Hodgkin lymphoma prior to pelvic irradiation

  • Aaron D. Seims,
  • Alpin D. Malkan,
  • John A. Sandoval,
  • Israel Fernandez-Pineda

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 7
pp. 263 – 266


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Oophoropexy for fertility preservation during pelvic irradiation dates back to the mid-1960s. For Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), this was performed during a staging laparotomy. Laparoscopic ovarian fixation has supplanted open pexy with advancements in technology and abandonment of staging laparotomies. Single-Incision Pediatric Endosurgery (SIPES) is applicable to numerous multi-port operations. Use of this technique for oophoropexy prior to pelvic irradiation, however, has not been reported. A 19 year-old with stage IVb HL involving the left iliac node basin was to receive radiotherapy and was evaluated for bilateral oophoropexy. An Olympus TriPort™ was introduced at the umbilicus, through which a 5 mm zero-degree laparoscope and a needle driver were introduced. Transabdominal passage of a ski needle through a 2 mm nick in the skin of the anterolateral wall allowed for right sided fixation of the ovaries. Operative recovery was uncomplicated, and post-operative imaging demonstrated satisfactory positioning of the gonads outside the planned radiation field. In conclusion, SIPES oophoropexy is a technically simple method for fertility preservation that offers improved cosmesis.
