Аутизм и нарушение развития (Feb 2018)

Implementation of Visual Timetable for Children with ASD in Center for Long-Term Rehabilitation of Children «Dobriy Sad»

  • Guseva N.Yu.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 2
pp. 21 – 28


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Adaptation of children with autism spectrum disorders to the social environment in the kindergarten is not an easy task, which covers comprehensive implementation of special techniques and methods. The effectiveness of the visual timetable as an auxiliary method in teaching and socialization of children with ASD is due to its variability and the possibility of its integration into various goals and objectives of teaching and rehabilitation of children. The work on the implementation of this method at the Center for Long-Term Rehabilitation of Children «Dobry Sad» in the city of Nizhny Novgorod is described. Specific examples of the effectiveness of the application of visual timetable in problem-solving situations in the conditions of a kindergarten are given. Part 1 of present article describes the stages of preparation and start of work on the implementation of timetable in a group of eight children diagnosed with F.84.
