Библиосфера (Jul 2020)
Development vectors for research libraries: the review of the key reports at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2019
The main theme of the 85th IFLA World Congress – the International Federation of Library Organizations and Institutions, which was held in Athens, Greece in 2019, was "Libraries: A Dialogue for Change". Once again, the congress brought together professionals from many countries of the world to solve the problems facing libraries of various forms. Their solution is achieved by developing common approaches to challenges at the global level (projects “Global Vision”, “Library Map of the World”, etc.), sharing best practices and methods, innovative forms of user service and resources generating. The purpose of this review is to present keynote reports delivered at the IFLA World Congress in 2019 on global trends in the development of research libraries. The selection of the reports was carried out by expert evaluation by the author, as well as some materials published on the Congress website. As a result, it was determined that libraries choose various ways and new methods of work to support researchers: by analyzing user needs; integrating librarians into the research life cycle; implementing the principles of open science and open access; developing discovery services and expanding the functionality of information resources; using artificial intelligence technologies, augmented and virtual reality, etc. This allows the creation of popular research support services, improving the quality of services, expanding the repertoire of information resources / products and services provided, modernize traditional forms and methods of work, and fully satisfy the information needs of users.