Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług (Jan 2015)
Elektroniczne systemy zarządzania sprawami jako przykład dobrych praktyk
In the past few years, interest in information technology in the courts has increased significantly, so the ability to use this kind of technology to enhance and improve the effectiveness of the judiciary should be developed. The impact of ICT on the activity of the courts is now noticeable mainly due to economic factors, indicating a huge savings from the offered opportunities The purpose of the article was to introduce the principles of creation and operation of Case Management Systems and to provide examples of good practice in this field in the selected countries. In fact, this electronic systems were in any case a positive impact on the courts, providing improved administrative processes, which made it better they can follow the course of events, to introduce improvements the actual processes and to communicate with other bodies. Relevant issues related to the possibilities of using such solutions in the judicial system will provide the basis for further, in-depth research.