Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal (Nov 2017)
Fraternally Americans: the New Solidarity Movement and the Emergence of a Counterculture in the 1960s
This article reconstructs the emergence of a counterculture in the early 1960s. In particular, it focuses on the New Solidarity Movement, which was created by a group of poets and writers, and anchored on a network of little magazines, correspondence, and meetings, such as the one held in Mexico City in 1964. These writers aimed at constructing an inter-American fraternity and, from a neo-humanist perspective, called to the “awaken consciousness” of the Americas in order to discuss the meanings of a revolution that they envisioned as ongoing and conceived of as dual, collective and subjective. The analysis of this singular experience contributes to a better understanding of the plurality of meanings that the language of revolution acquired throughout the 1960s.