Аналітично-порівняльне правознавство (Nov 2023)
Outer Space Public Law: the 1958-1963 period. Part 2
This is the fourth article in the study related to analyzing the process of regulation of space activities. Considering the results of previous studies of documents adopted by the international community during the 1958-1963 period in the regulation of space activities, this article continues the presentation of the study of the process of Outer Space Public Law development. The article describes the initiatives of the international community (including the UN General Assembly) connected with the regulation of relations among States in matters of the use of outer space and celestial bodies. First of all, it describes the process of gradual formation of one of the most important international principles of Public Space Law, which can be attributed to the group of General Principles of Space Activities, namely, "The Principle of a Useful Cosmos”. Also, legal conflicts and difficulties that arose at the initial stage of the formation of this principle as well as the consequences to which they could lead are described. In addition, the article describes the process of formation of another very important principle of Public Space Law that can also be included in the group of General Principles of Space Activity, namely, "The Principle of Space Traffic”, which at that time already consisted of three special principles formed under the influence of specific international initiatives. Thus, the initiative to streamline space vehicle launches into outer space formed "The Principle of launch registration”. The initiative to organize interaction among States regarding astronauts and space vehicles launched into space formed "The Principle of mutual assistance” In turn, the initiative to organize the safety of space activities formed "the Principle of Responsibility”. At the same time, all these principles were developed only in the form of Conventionalis stipulatio, which were mainly set out in the Resolutions and Declarations of the UN General Assembly. Considering the above, it is necessary to pay attention again to the fact that the researcher should not expect from the "Outer Space Law” the form in which this "Law” is accustomed to consider, due to the exclusivity of the environment to which this new "Law” was formed.