JLIS.it (Sep 2021)

Metadata profiles for interoperability. The E-ARK specifications for e-archiving

  • Pasqualina Adele Marzotti

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 3


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The paper is a reflection on the importance of solutions for interoperability in European contest and compares the AGID guidelines with the DILCIS Board e-archiving building block. It describes E-ARK eco-system, analysing the E-ARK Specifications for Common Information Package. The other E-ARK specifications for SIP, AIP and DIP are quickly presented, as is the Content Information Type Specification for SIARD (CITS SIARD). Finally, the author shows the success stories on implementation of CITS SIARD; among these study cases we can recently find the Italy’s Central States Archives project. The aim is to participate to the discussion on Italian rules and guidelines for record management and digital preservation, imagining an Italy’s open digital preservation model.