Sport Mont (Jun 2014)


  • Dragan Krivokapić,
  • Duško Bjelica

Journal volume & issue
Vol. XII, no. 40-41-42
pp. 200 – 208


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Introduction: A research has been done in pre-school institutions of Montenegro and Serb Republic whose aim was to get directions for improvement of physical education in pre-school institutions as well as for taking measures in order to educate parents of the children attending those institutions in the sense of improving knowledge on importance of physical activity for growth and development of pre-school children through monitoring and insight into attitudes of parents on physical activity of their children. Problem of this research is consisted of an attempt to use the parents` attitudes to estimate how active their children are within the time period when there are not on the pre-school institutions. Methods: The research was done by the poll method of anonymous questionnaire, with was filled by parents of the children attending pre-school institutions in Montenegro and Serb Republic. Sample of the examinees from Montenegro was made of 1356 of parents of the pre-school children attending pre-school institutions from all three Montenegrin regions. Sample of the examinees from the Serb Republic was made of 386 parents of the pre-school children attending pre-school institutions. Aim of the research was consisted of estimation of the parents` attitudes on volume and features of the physical activity of their children and of attempt to use the given data to take certain measures on the base of which their physical activities would be optimized. For this poll, a specially structured questionnaire for this purpose was used, in which the questions were set into groups with the aim of estimating features of physical activity of the pre-school children. Results: For the statistics processing methods of descriptive statistics were used, which were used for numerical and percent presentation of frequency of some answers of the examinees, and the answers were presented comparatively in tables for both samples. Results of this research indicate to trend of decrease in physical activity of the pre-school children in both Montenegro and Serb Republic. Discussion and comments were integrally presented and discussed for all groups of answers to polled questions. Discussion: Dynamic development and more and more important role of physical education in modern society development as well as in the life a modern man has encouraged much more active attitude of science towards the field of the human activity (Bjelica, D. & Krivokapić, D., 2010.). Anyway, for the obvious trend of decrease in physical activity of the pre-school children, there is a need for its intensifying, in order to provide as optimal as possible influence on their mental and physical development. ``Physical development of an individual is best realized through activities that are intensified, conceived and versatile``(Bjelica, D. & Krivokapić, D., 2011). In that attempt, analysis of the position and role of the teacher as well as creating of stimulating ambient that enables, stimulates and encourages their professional development and permanent education is especially important. Taking into account the given results of this research, there is an opinion that additional education of parents of the pre-school children on importance of optimal physical activity for growth and development of the children in that period of their childhood, could partially decrease negative consequences resulting from unsatisfying level of their physical activity. References: Bjelica D, Krivokapic D (2010). Teorijske osnove fizicke kulture, Fakultet za sport i fizicko vaspitanje i Crnogorska sportska akademija, 37-38. Bjelica D, Krivokapic D (2011). Teorija igre, Univerzitet Crne Gore, 115-116.