Polis: Revista de Stiinte Politice (Sep 2016)
Urbanizare şi omogenizare socială: funcţiile sistematizării teritoriale în Epoca de Aur (I) (Urbanization and social homogenization: the role of territorial systematization during The Golden Age)
In Ceaușescu’s Romania, territorial systematization was used as a gigantic political, economic and social tool in order to create the ‘multilaterally developed socialist society’. The regime seemed to be homogenous and function in a unilateral ideological way. However, the national-communist edifice was full of contradictions. The most important of them that between party and state, reverberated at all levels of activity and systematization surely represented one of the most important fields in which party-state contradictions could expand. They did so, as I try to argue in the present article, in favor of the state rather than the party, although the party used the state as an administrative instrument in order to achieve its developmental goals.