Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie (Jan 2019)
Objawienia prywatne – charyzmat i factum Ecclesiae
In modern times private revelations are one of the religious and ecclesiastical phenomena in reference to which neither life of the Church nor theology should remain indifferent. Taking this into consideration, we make an attempt to interpret private revelations placing them between two poles: charisma and the fact of the Church. Such positioning of the problem is also dictated by the tradition of the Church which has been trying to place the private revelations in the most suitable perspective for a long time. It seems that such positioning is truly appropriate from the theological point of view. It appreciates not only special gifts of the Holy Spirit given to the faithful but also to the Church authority, especially the hierarchy which investigates scrupulously all appearing charismas and incorporates them judiciously into the life of the Church. Therefore, the charisma of the private revelations is appreciated in both ways, its personal and ecclesiastical dimensions.