International Islamic University Malaysia Engineering Journal (Aug 2012)
A Comprehensive Computational Design for Microstrip Passive and Active Linear Circuits
In this paper, a complete program called HHSS2 is introduced which is a user-oriented program capable of designing linear active and passive microstrip circuits such as amplifiers, oscillators, mixers, lowpass filters, and couplers. The substrate parameters and the characteristic impedance of the microstrip lines are given to the program as a common statement. Examples for the design of a 3-GHz high gain amplifier, 2.6-GHz oscillator, ring coupler operated at 3.33 GHz, Lange coupler operated at 3.3 GHz, and maximally-flat lowpass filter operated at 2 GHz with 0.75 GHz cutoff frequency are introduced. Key Words: Computational Microstrip Circuit Design, Microwave Circuits, Computer Aided Design.