Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Ştiinţe Juridice (Feb 2022)

Tipuri de urme care fac obiectul de studiu al traseologiei judiciare și considerații asupra potențialului individualizator al acestora // Types of traces that are the subject of judicial study of traces and considerations on their individualizing potential

  • Vasile Drobotă

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 68, no. 2
pp. 393 – 406


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Among the classical fields of forensic technique, traceology has the widest scope in terms of types and categories of traces that form its object of study, the official expression used to certify the accumulation of a high level of knowledge and experience in this field being very suggestive: „Traceological expertise of traces left by beings and objects”. This paper presents different types and categories of traces encountered in practice, seeking to systematize and expose aspects related to the results that can be obtained by exploiting the traces, while taking into account the elements and characteristics that are reflected in their composition, and considering others factors that may intervene, as well as collateral issues.
