Future Internet (Jan 2019)
T-Move: A Light-Weight Protocol for Improved QoS in Content-Centric Networks with Producer Mobility
Recent interest in applications where content is of primary interest has triggered the exploration of a variety of protocols and algorithms. For such networks that are information-centric, architectures such as the Content-Centric Networking have been proven to result in good network performance. However, such architectures are still evolving to cater for application-specific requirements. This paper proposes T-Move, a light-weight solution for producer mobility and caching at the edge that is especially suitable for content-centric networks with mobile content producers. T-Move introduces a novel concept called trendiness of data for Content-Centric Networking (CCN)/Named Data Networking (NDN)-based networks. It enhances network performance and quality of service (QoS) using two strategies—cache replacement and proactive content-pushing for handling producer mobility—both based on trendiness. It uses simple operations and smaller control message overhead and is suitable for networks where the response needs to be quick. Simulation results using ndnSIM show reduced traffic, content retrieval time, and increased cache hit ratio with T-Move, when compared to MAP-Me and plain NDN for networks of different sizes and mobility rates.