Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Jun 2015)

Musique populaire et dictature militaire au Brésil : dynamiques contestataires et logiques de marché (1964-1985)

  • Anaïs Fléchet,
  • Marcos Napolitano



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Brazilian Popular Music, often seen as a symbol of resistance, was invested with different political meanings under the military dictatorship (1964-1985). The study of music production (records, shows, along with movies and television programs) and critical writings, censorship and surveillance archives, as well as diplomatic documents,demonstrates the complexity of practices, actors and uses of music in an authoritarian context – far from the image of a dual confrontation between artists and military leaders. This article focuses on four major issues: the role of politics (ideologies, contestation and mobilization, repressive policies) in the formation and consecration of Brazilian Popular Music; the market and cultural industries; the evolution of creative conditions, contents and forms of contestation; and the music propaganda developed by the military regime at the national and international levels.
