Zernovì Produkti ì Kombìkorma (Dec 2021)
The results of the study of the characteristics of the technological line for grain reception from auto transport at the procurement production grain elevator of LLC ―Agricultural Enterprise ―Vesna 21‖ are presented. In the process of research, the quantitative and qualitative composition, volumes and duration of the harvesting periods of early and late crops, the quantitative and qualitative composition and characteristics of auto transport delivering grain to the enterprise were determined; the most intensive supply of early and late crops, as well as the actual coefficients of daily irregularity of their supply by auto transport. It is shown that the enterprise in 2017-2019 traditionally received such early crops as wheat of 2-6 classes and rapeseed of the highest and 1st class. Late crops were represented by corn (3rd class and non-class) and soybeans (non-standard and extruded). The volumes of harvesting of the corn and wheat (main crops)for the indicated years correlated, respectively (%) 49.2:41.2; 60.1: 24.9 and 66.1:17.1, which indicates a tendency for a significant increase in the supply of late crops, especially corn grain. The ratio between early and late crops for 2017–2019 was 45:55, 24:76 and 20:80, respectively (%). The monthly grain flow to the grain elevator was rather irregular. Most of the grain was received from July to December, when the periods of harvesting of early and late crops coincide, and especially in the autumn months, in September, October and November, up to 32.9 %, less – in the off-season from January to June, to 12.3 %. All the same, a lot of grain in percentage terms was received in November 2017 and October 2018 – 32.9 % each. An analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of cars that delivered grain to the procurement and production elevator in 2017-2019 showed that the carrying capacity of the vehicles ranged from 3 ... 51 tons. In 2017, 80.9% of all grain received by the enterprise was delivered by 2771 vehicles (cars) with a carrying capacity of 20 ... 40 tons, which amounted to 82.4 % of their annual quantity. In 2018, these indicators were as follows – 87.2 % of grain was delivered by 84.5% of vehicles of the same carrying capacity, and in 2019 – 93.4 % of grain was delivered by 93.0 % of the same vehicles. In the years studied, there was a tendency to an increase in the share of more heavy-duty vehicles (35...40 t). However, the number of vehicles with a carrying capacity of more than 40 tons, delivering significant volumes of grain, has significantly decreased, which is associated with the legislative limitation of the vehicles weight. The optimal carrying capacity in terms of the ratio of the mass of the delivered grain: the number of vehicles, taking into account legal restrictions, can be recommended 35...40 tons. The main characteristics of the reception of an early and late crops at the procurement and production elevator, respectively, for 2017-2018 were the following values: the duration of the arrival of early crops, days - 126, 119 and 97, late – 142, 145 and 240; harvesting period of early crops, days – 73, 88 and 68, late crops – 86, 78 and 57; the most intensive supply of early crops, t/day – 8378, 596 and 1428, late crops 1966, 1576 and 1909; actual coefficients of grain reception irregularity by auto transport of early crops – 6.3; 2.2 and 3.6, late – 2.5, 2.4 and 2.9, which exceeds the standard values of 1.6 and should be taken into account when improving the operation of the grain reception line.