Journal of Behçet Uz Children's Hospital (Dec 2019)
The Effect of Specialized Education Programs in Diabetic Patients on the Metabolic Parameters
INTRODUCTION: In diabetes HbA1c is used as an indicator for metabolic control and shows the average of blood glucose levels over the past three months. Long-term benefits of diabetes education on metabolic control, emotional state and self-care have been shown. In this study, we compared to HbA1c levels measured before and after than diabetes congress and summer school and aimed to investigate the effect of the training program on metabolic control. METHODS: Diabetes education was repeated to diabetic children and adults that attended diabetes congress and summer school. HbA1c measurement was performed to participants before and after than the education. In patients followed from another clinics, declared HbA1c values were accepted. RESULTS: 57 people that including in the study among 91 diabetes individuals who participated in the Diabetes Congress. 58 diabetic patents participated to summer school. Mean HbA1c level of the participants before the congress was found 8.88 while it was 8.76 after the congress. Mean HbA1c level was found 9.94 before the summer school activity while it was 9.6 after that.There was no statistical significant differences between the HbA1c values before and after the education programmes. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In diabetic individuals good HbA1c values were targeted to reduce complications. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to increase the motivation of the individuals, to repeat the diabetes education of the patients and their families and to continue the education.