IEEE Access (Jan 2021)
Semi-Direct Monocular SLAM With Three Levels of Parallel Optimizations
In practical applications, how to use the complementary strengths of the direct and the feature-based methods for effective fusion may be the main challenge of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). To solve this challenge, we propose the DO-SLAM, a novel fast and accurate semi-direct visual SLAM framework, which can maintain the direct method’s fast performance and the high precision and loop closure capability of the feature-based method. The direct method is used as the first half of the DO-SLAM to track the camera pose rapidly and robustly. The feature-based method is used as the second half of the DO-SLAM to refine the keyframe poses, perform loop closures, and build a globally consistent, long-term, sparse feature map that can be reused. The proposed pipeline fuses direct odometry and feature-based SLAM to perform three levels of parallel optimizations: (1) In the direct method module, the keyframe poses are estimated by minimizing the photometric error, (2) In the feature-based module, using the poses calculated by the inter-frame matching to correct and fuse the poses calculated by the direct method module as the initial poses, and the initial poses are optimized by the motion-only bundle adjustment, and (3) A pose graph optimization is used to achieve global map consistency in the presence of loop closures. Experimental evaluation on two benchmark datasets demonstrates that the proposed approach achieves higher accuracy and robustness on motion estimation compared to the other state-of-the-art methods.