中西医结合护理 (Jan 2023)

Nursing of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine for a patient with rare cold agglutinin disease combined with chronic renal failure (1例慢性肾功能衰竭合并罕见性冷凝集素病患者的中西医结合护理体会)

  • JIANG Shan (姜珊),
  • LI Qian (李倩),
  • ZHOU Gexia (周革霞),
  • LIU Xiaoyu (刘潇禹),
  • SHAO Jinghua (邵京华),
  • CHE Xinqi (车新琪)

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 1
pp. 21 – 24


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To summarize the nursing experience of a case with rare cold agglutinin treated by integrated Traditional Chinese and western medicine. It mainly included: patient fever care, skin care, respiratory tract cleaning, infection prevention, warm care, blood transfusion care, health education, etc. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) nursing characteristic technology such as TCM collapse stain, auricular acupoint pressure, acupoint application were carried out to ensure patient safety and improve the rehabilitation. (总本文总结1例慢性肾功能衰竭合并罕见性冷凝集素病(CAD)患者的中西医结合护理经验, 通过开展发热护理、皮肤护理、呼吸道清理、感染预防、保暖护理、输血护理、健康宣教等常规护理以及中药塌渍、耳穴压丸、穴位贴敷等中医特色护理, 保证患者生命安全, 促进患者康复。)
