Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Apr 1989)
Cephalometrıc Investıgatıon And Comparıson Of The Effect Of Edgewıse And Begg Technıque Therapıes On The Facıal Skeleton In Hyperdıvergent Cases
The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes occuring during Edgewise and Begg technique therapies in skeletal open-bite cases and to compare the two techniques. The material consists of 60 lateral cephalometric films of 30 patients with hyperdivergent skeletal structure, 10 had been treated by Standard Edgewise Technique, the other 10 by Begg technique and the remaining 10 had been used as the Control group which had no treatment. 18 variables were included in the study. To determine the homogenity of the three groups pretreatment (control) values were examined. Next, the pre and posttreatmerit (control) values of all the three groups were investigated and they were compared with each other. The overall results show that Edgewise technique restricted the growth of point A more than the Begg technique. The two techniques restricted the spontaneous growth of the mandible. Edgewise technique showed posterior rotation of the mandible in relation to the Begg technique.