Reproductive Health (Jun 2022)

Personal beliefs and social norms regarding the sexual exploitation of girls in age-disparate transactional sexual relationships in Brazil: a mixed-methods study

  • Caroline Ferraz Ignacio,
  • Linda Cerdeira,
  • Beniamino Cislaghi,
  • Giovanna Lauro,
  • Ana Maria Buller

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 1
pp. 1 – 15


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Plain language summary This article explores the personal beliefs and social norms related to the exchange of sexual favours or relationships for material favours, gifts and/or support in some form, between adult men (> 18 years) and girls and adolescents (< 18 years) with a minimum 5-year age difference. We used interviews, focus groups and questionnaires to understand the factors that promote and prevent these sexual relationships between men and girls. Motivators for these relationships were often related to girls’ responsibilities, male desires and the benefits of these relationships. Men’s responsibility for their participation in these relationships with girls were often minimised due to a general acceptance of men as overly sexual and lacking impulse control. In this study, personal beliefs and social norms were often not aligned, suggesting that interventions focused on changing personal beliefs or attitudes about these sexual relationships may not be enough to change social norms. The findings highlight the need to develop solutions that consider a wider range of actors, instead of interventions focused only on girls. The study findings also support the need to further investigate how communities and shared expectations can influence sexual relationships in exchange for goods between adult men and girls and adolescents.
