Restauro Archeologico (Aug 2017)
Il Follone di Pinerolo (TO), da rinomata manifattura a rudere urbano: prospettive di salvaguardia della memoria
The city of Pinerolo was being an important production center thanks to the presence of the Rio Moirano, a flume already documented in the 13th century. Alongside its banks, most of the city's manufactories have been installed, which have been gradually abandoned due to the sector's crisis in the 20th century. Among them, the lace-factory Türk is of particular importance. It settled into the 18th-century Follone, considered among the first modern woolen processing centers. Unfortunate-ly, this building is now in precarious conditions because of the lack of care and protection. Moreover, a part of it has been devastated by a fire and so it is a ruin. Therefore, both materia-lity and memory of this production complex are precarious, due to different conversion hy-potheses which have foreseen the abatement of the building. The article aims to outline the history of this factory-flume system through edited and archi-ved documents, re-examining the instruments used to pursue its protection.