Наукові горизонти (May 2020)
The researches results of top spring barley growth depending on varietal characteristics and nutrition are showed. Experimental studies were conducted during 2013–2017 yrs. on the experimental field of the Mykolaiv NAU. Studies have shown that the processes of accumulation of raw aboveground mass by plants of spring barley depended on the fertilizer variant and increased intensively from the phase of plant emergence into the tube before earing. In the Aeneas variety, in the earing phase, an increase in the studied indicator was observed compared to the previous phase of plant development by 726–923 g/m2 or by 34.8–35.9 % depending on the way of nutrition. The accumulation of raw biomass by plants of the variety Aeneas, on average over the years of research, was greater than that of plants of other studied varieties. On average, over they ears of research, in the control of raw biomass of plants variety Aeneas in the phase of plants’ yield in the plant stooling has accumulated 896 g/m2, the earing phase – 1692 g/m2, and phase of full grainy grain – 976 g/m2, which is 5,4–6,4; 0,9–1,7 and 1,1–2,2 % which is more compared to the raw mass of plants of the Stalker and Aeneas varieties. The same trend was observed in other variants of the experiment. The largest amount of raw top mass of Aeneas variety was in the variant of fertilization with N30P30 and the biological preparation Escort-bio - 1543–2695 g/m2 depending on the phase of growth and development of plants. The process of accumulation of dry mass in the planting phase was slow. However, al ready from the phase of the plants’ we considered in the tube a significant difference depending on the nutrition of plants and the variety at 40.6–59.8; 43.3–62.2 and 35.4–55.5 %, with the advantage of the option N30P30 + Escort-bio.