Revista de Estudios Sociales (Oct 2001)
La ciudad en América Latina o la construcción simbólica de una mirada que se nos re-presente.
This essay focuses on the construction of citizenship from the perspective of globalization as a theoretical model that does not exhaust the visions that the inhabitants of Latín América may build on the citizen exercise. Assuming the city like the space of the liberal project of Modernity, the article raises the incidence of globalization and multiculturalism, like ¡ts co-narration, ¡n contemporary cities. For this, ¡t describes the differences that the concept of “desterritorialización”, produced by show business and market, opérate between the large cities of the First World and those of Latín América. The essay proposes the construction of a new perspective of the city ¡n Latín América, from a conception of culture that does not legítimízes the precarious urban daíly life and restores the notíon of territorial colectivíty Thus, we wíll be able to assume our cities wíthout excluding the great zones of mísery and makíng of the city the space of exercise of a freedom that ¡ncludes , necessaríly, the polítical approach.