Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Dec 2022)

The Organizational Environment - The Importance of Data

  • Tudor Colomeischi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. XXII, no. 2
pp. 291 – 295


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This paper proposes to present both theoretical and practical aspects related to the importance of data and knowledge in the organizational environment. In this sense, theoretical aspects related to knowledge-based systems, their components, methods and techniques of working with the help of knowledge, the concepts of knowledge processing and their development, respectively the most complex part of the work, the processes of creation, processing and development of ontological data. The ontology created in the web language Owl/Rdf proposes an interesting approach to the organizational environment of an entity. The Ontosparql program aims at a dynamic processing of the knowledge embedded in the ontology, facilitates obtaining information about Protege, Semantic Web, XML, Dbpedia.
