Managing Global Transitions (Mar 2019)
Our Great Depression of Post-Capitalism and Not of Capitalism (New Deal as the Managerial Revolution and Understanding of our Times)
The main aim of the paper is to reopen the problem of Capitalism from two different perspectives. Firstly, to reopen it from the perspective of the ‘language games’ in the sense of theWittgensteinianmethodology.Within this kind of ‘Wittgensteinian argument’ the connection between the ‘name’ (capitalism) and the ‘thing’ (to pragma, this of that physical thing) is of paramount importance. The emphasis is to show that capitalismis not just a ‘thing’ it is much more. Secondly, paper is trying to reopen the problem of the ‘Great Depression’ and to showthat the capitalism, aswe usually understand it, had already ‘evaporated’ in the thirties and forties of the 20th century. The aim of this second part and simultaneously the aim of the paper is to show that the post-capitalism (‘managerial revolution’ not only in the sense of Burnham, but above all in that of F. D. Roosevelt) has actually already defeated capitalism: but not its own language games spoken still today. The central thesis of the paper is that without seriously re-thinking of the irreversible revolutionary (!) changes from the thirties and forties, we cannot seriously understand today’s ‘globalisation’ and ‘global crisis’ (actually new post-modern depression) and are literary doomed to failure in thinking of the given ‘global society.’