Acta Stomatologica Croatica (Jan 2018)
Attitudes of the Students from the School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb towards CAD/CAM
Aim: Due to fast and continuing advances in digital dental technology it is important to provide appropriate CAD/CAM education of preclinical (PS) and clinical (CS) dental students. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes on CAD/CAM technology of PS and CS at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb since the obtained results can show the level of students’ knowledge and possibly a need for additional education. Materials and methods: This study included 216 undergraduate dental students from the School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb: 77 (35.6%) of preclinical students (PS) and 139 (64.4%) of clinical students (CS). All participants filled out the questionnaire specially designed for this study. The obtained data were statistically analyzed with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: Most of the students (182, 84.23%) heard about CAD/CAM technology at regular lectures held at the School (p<0.05). Regardless of their level of education, most of the students (204, 94.4%) did not attend any CAD/CAM course which were not held within regular lectures at the School (p<0.05). Most of PS (72, 33.3%) and most of CS (133, 61.6%) participants believe that they are not sufficiently informed about CAD/CAM technology (p<0.05). Conclusion: Although most of the students (PS and CS) heard about CAD/CAM technology, it could be concluded that they are not sufficiently informed and that additional education on CAD/CAM technology is required. Also, CS students do not posses greater knowledge about CAD/CAM technology than PS students.