Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif (Dec 2015)

Jarak antara Saraf Femoralis dan Arteri Femoralis pada Daerah Lipat Inguinal Orang Dewasa dengan Menggunakan Pencitraan Ultrasonografi untuk Panduan Letak Penyuntikan Blokade Saraf Femoralis

  • Nur Intan Nasution,
  • Dedi Fitri Yadi,
  • A. Muthalib Nawawi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 3
pp. 173 – 179


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The femoral nerve block is one the peripheral nerve block methods that are used to falicitate lower extremity surgical procedures. The advantages of femoral nerve block include an effective perioperative analgesia with minimum systemic side effects, lower dosage of opioids, early mobilization and cost effective. This study aimed to measure the distance from the mid point of the femoral nerve to the mid point of the femoral artery at the level of inguinal crease of adults with ultrasound guidance that will determine the success rate of femoral nerve block. A descriptive analytic study involving 43 volunteer subjects aged 18–60 years was performed at the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran and Central Operating Theatre (COT) of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung between September and October 2014. Statistical analysis are using Mann-Whitney test and independent t-test. Results showed that the average distance from the mid point of the femoral nerve to the mid point of the femoral artery in male was 1.075±0.13 cm and in female was 1.069±0.13 cm. This study conclude that the average distance of femoral artery to the femoral nerve is 1.07 cm lateral to the femoral artery.
