Клинический разбор в общей медицине (Sep 2023)
Recurrent endometrial hyperplasia without atypia: how to escape the vicious circle?
Today, endometrial hyperplasia (EH) is among the most relevant gynecological entities. Arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity, the combination of which is referred to as metabolic syndrome, are the key risk factors of EH. The incidence of EH and endometrial cancer grows proportionally based on the rapid increase in the prevalence of this set of symptoms among patients in the 21st century. Currently, there is a clear histological gradation of EH into atypical form and EH without atypia, which represents a key factor of the clinical management strategy (conser-vative or surgical) determination. However, high EH relapse rate after conservative treatment is the most important challenge of EH. In this re-gard, it is necessary to consider modern options for prevention of recurrent EH without atypia in patients of different ages.