Journal of Medical Internet Research (Nov 2020)

The Role of Enjoyment in a Serious Game for Binge Drinking Prevention: Pretest-Posttest Quasi-Experimental Study

  • Hong, Traci,
  • Cabrera, Joshua,
  • Beaudoin, Christopher E

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 11
p. e21652


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BackgroundAlthough binge drinking peaks at age 21 to 25 years, there is limited research on the effects of serious games in this population, as well as on the process by which playing serious games impacts alcohol-related outcomes. Designed with both health behavioral theory and game theory, One Shot is an online serious game that aims to prevent binge drinking. ObjectiveThis study utilized a conceptual model for serious video game processes. Using One Shot, the model assessed the following process stages: (1) Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Concise (AUDIT-C); (2) in-game factors of game time and risky alcohol decisions; (3) game enjoyment; and (4) postgame outcomes of intention to drink less and drinking refusal self-efficacy. MethodsIn a one-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design, a sample (N=550) of young adults (age 21-25 years) who reported recent binge drinking played the One Shot game. Intention to drink less and drinking refusal self-efficacy were measured at pregame and postgame, with their effects lagged in statistical analysis. Participants were presented with various scenarios in the game that pertained to risky alcohol decisions, which, along with game time, were unobtrusively recorded by the server. A structural equation model (SEM) was used to test the conceptual model, with assessments made to determine if enjoyment mediated the effects of game time and risky alcohol decisions on the 2 postgame alcohol-related outcomes. ResultsA well-fitting SEM demonstrated support for the multistep model, with AUDIT-C predicting risky alcohol decisions (β=.30). Risky alcohol decisions (β=−.22) and game time (β=.18) predicted enjoyment, which, in turn, predicted intention to drink less (β=.21) and drinking refusal self-efficacy (β=.16). Enjoyment significantly (P<.001) mediated the effects of game time and risky alcohol decision on intention to drink less and drinking refusal self-efficacy. ConclusionsThe results support a conceptual model in which staggered individual and in-game factors influence alcohol-related outcomes. Enjoyment is important for participants’ intentions to drink less and beliefs that they can refuse alcohol.