Arheološki Vestnik (Jan 2006)

The Diocese of Sarsenterensis

  • Ivica Puljić,
  • Ante Škegro

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 57


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A reference to the Diocese of Sarsenterensis can be foundin the acts of the Second Ecclesiastical Synod, which was presidedover by archbishop Honorius II (528-547) in 533 in Salona. Itwas during this synod that the new dioceses in Sarsenterum,Muccur and Ludrum were founded (in Sarsentero, Muccuro etLudro) and their bishops ordained. It is clear from the acts ofthe same synod that the Sarsenterian diocese was given thebasilicas from the municipal areas of Dellontino and Stantino,Nouense (Neuense) per Rusticiarum, Potuatico et Beuzavatico(Benzavatico) and others as well (Sarsenterensis episcopus ba-silicas, quae in monicipiis Dellontino, Stantino, Nouense (Neu-ense) per Rusticiarum, Potuatico et Beuzavatico (Benzavatico) etsupra constitutae sunt). The opinions of authors differ on thematter of the diocese of Sarsenterensis.
