Tracés (Nov 2010)
La géographie et la géomatique au crible de la néogéographie
The activity called Neogeography was born in the 2000s when new Web tools appeared, that allowed people to annotate space and places and attach personal information to them. Neogeography is considered in this paper as a prism through which it is possible to observe the changing interface between geography and computer science, a role that Geographic Information Science had been playing for over twenty years. Going back to the emergence of neogeography and studying its definition and its affirmation makes it clear that geographers have remained absent from the debate while GIS were clearly called into question both as a professional activity and as a discipline. The paper then reviews the answer offered to NeoGeography by Michael F. Goodchild, which stands clearly within the paradigm of Geographic Information Science, and discusses its limitations. The conclusion addresses some geographical challenges of Neogeography by comparing the very different theoretical approaches of two philosophers, Henri Lefebvre and François Dagognet.