Educazione Linguistica Language Education (Jul 2012)
Web Videoconferencing, a Tool to Motivate Primary School Children Learning a Foreign Language
This paper first provides a brief survey of the main aspects to take into account in order to design and carry out an effec- tive collaborative learning experience with a class in another country, integrating the lesson with web Videoconferencing. Secondly, it presents two case studies of telecollaboration projects in which Italian primary school pupils share common tasks with peers in the United Kingdom through Skype sessions. Finally, it analyses the motivational impact on the Italian pupils due to the emotional involvement experienced through such an innovative learning programme. All the information provided in this paper is based on data collected through the researcher’s observa- tion of the Italian pupils and lessons, focus group discussions with the pupils, administration of a semi-structured questionnaire to the two Italian teachers involved and other self-report tools (pupils and teachers).