IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (Jul 2023)

A non‐isolated step‐up common‐ground cost‐effective microinverter for AC‐module application

  • Moheb Mahmoudi Varnamkhasti,
  • Mehdi Niroomand,
  • Ehsan Adib

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 13
pp. 3058 – 3069


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Abstract This research proposes a cost‐efficient microinverter. The proposed microinverter can eliminate the leakage current using common‐ground configuration. It uses three switches and only one of them operates at high frequency. In addition, a passive lossless snubber is applied to limit voltage stress and provide soft‐switching performance for the high‐frequency switch. A pair of coupled inductors is used to provide higher voltage gain which makes it possible to keep the operating duty cycle in the normal range and makes the proposed inverter suitable for AC module application. The input current of the proposed microinverter is continuous which reduces the loss of the input capacitor by high‐frequency current component reduction. The operating principle of the proposed inverter is described in both positive and negative current modes. In positive current mode, the proposed microinverter works similar to SEPIC converter and in negative current mode its performance is similar to CUK converter. The dynamic behavior of the proposed microinverter is analyzed through simulation and a simple PI controller is designed to accommodate the worst case. Theoretical loss analysis is applied and finally the results of this research are compared with other researches. The performance of the proposed inverter is justified by simulation and practical results of a 300‐watts prototype.
