Health SA Gesondheid: Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (Nov 2003)

Adolescent mothers’ knowledge and perceptions of contraceptives in Tshwane, South Africa

  • V J Ehlers

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1


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This descriptive quantitative survey attempted to identify reasons why adolescent mothers (aged 19 or younger at the birth of their babies) failed to utilise contraceptive, emergency contraceptive and/or termination of pregnancy (TOP) services. Opsomming Hierdie beskrywende kwantitatiewe opname het gepoog om redes te bepaal waarom adolessente moeders (wat 19 jaar oud of jonger was tydens die geboorte van hulle babas) nie gebruik gemaak het van kontrasepsie (voorbehoedmiddels) of noodkontrasepsie, en/of terminasie van swangerskap (“termination of pregnancy - TOP”) dienste nie. *Please note: This is a reduced version of the abstract. Please refer to PDF for full text.