Зерновое хозяйство России (Sep 2024)

A winter common wheat variety model for the Central NON-Blackearth region

  • B. I. Sandukhadze,
  • R. Z. Mamedov,
  • M. S. Krakhmaleva,
  • V. V. Bugrova,
  • S. V. Sobolev,
  • Ya. S. Molodovsky

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 4
pp. 90 – 96


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For effective breeding work, clear guidelines (the so-called variety model) are of great necessity. Winter common wheat breeding is no exception. There has been given characteristics of the optimal variety model for the Non-Blackearth region according to the data obtained in the laboratory for winter wheat breeding and primary seed production of the FSBSI “Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”. There should have productivity of more than 10.0 t/ha, winter resistance of 90 % and higher, 310 days of vegetation period. The plant height of the variety model was 60–70 cm, lodging resistance was 5 points. The variety must have field resistance to leaf rust, powdery mildew, and leaf and ear blight. Yield structure elements were as follows: stem density was of 650–700 pieces per 1 m2, number of grains per ear was above 50 pieces, grain weight per ear was 2.0–2.5 g, 1000-grain weight was above 50 g. There was 15 % of protein and 30 % of gluten in grain. The purpose of the current work was to study the lines of winter wheat breeding according to a compliance degree with a given variety model according to the data of 2023. There was established that these lines had characteristics corresponding to the optimal variety model for the Non-Blackearth Region, individually or in combination. In terms of plant height, productivity, grain weight per ear, a number of grains per ear and 1000-grain weight, the frequency distribution of lines was normal. Correlation analysis has found out that a mean positive correlation was between grain weight per ear and a number of grains per ear (r = 0.56±0.05), and grain weight per ear and 1000-grain weight (r = 0.48±0.06). A mean negative correlation was found between a number of grains per ear and 1000-grain weight (r = -0.44±0.06). Correlation between other studied indicators was weak or absent, which indicates the possibility of combining optimal productivity parameters in one genotype.
