Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi (May 2016)
The effect of educational games on the emotional intelligence of the children of 13-14 ages group
In this research, the effect of educational games of children aged 13-14 on their emotional intelligences is studied. Accordingly, “Bar-on Emotional Intelligence Scale” is used to measure the emotional intelligences of children. 49 students of 8 Grade are the test group of this study. Data of the study are calculated with pre-tests and post-tests. In the comparison of pre-test and post-test values of sub-dimension of participants’ emotional intelligences, it was statistically determined that there is no significant difference between the scores related to their intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, adaptabilities and general moods. On the contrary, in the comparison of pre-test and post-test values of sub-dimension of overcoming the stress, it was found that pre-test scores are significantly high. In conclusion, teachers of physical education and sports should be encouraged to be attentive to educational games and the curriculum of physical education and sports at schools should be planned according to these games. Also, researchers should be encouraged to study these games which play an important role in human development and related studies should be supported.