Old Testament Essays (May 2020)

Trauma and Post-Trauma in the Book of Ezekiel

  • Refael Furman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 33, no. 1


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Reading the Book of Ezekiel in the light of modern sociological and psychological research dealing with emigration, exile and refugees, leads to a better and brighter understanding of the human experience in the Babylonian exile. In Ezekiel's oracles, prophecies and speeches (especially texts such as Ezekiel 3:22-27, 4:4-8 and chapters 16; 23) there are signs of post-traumatic symptoms, not necessarily individual, rather communal. The present article examines the texts in question in the light of clinical, sociological and philosophical literature dealing with forced-migration related trauma. https://doi.org/10.17159/2312-3621/2020/v33n1a4
