Вестник Камчатской региональной ассоциации "Учебно-научный центр". Серия: Науки о Земле (Jul 2024)
Neotectonics of the ocean-continent transition zone in the Côte d'Ivoire region (West Africa)
Structural and geophysical indicators of neotectonics in the area of the continental margin of Côte d'Ivoire are represented in three interacting zones: oceanic, continental and transitional. Together with the time-varying gravitational field, they form a system in which neotectonic processes are enhanced due to their equatorial position. Seismicity is represented by dense clusters of events in the areas of junction of the Strakhov, Sao Paulo and Romansh oceanic transform faults with the continent and their overland continuation. Seismicity and gravity variations show the relationship of deep density changes to stress discharge in the area and the effect of volumetric forces on lithospheric blocks. Free air and isostasy anomalies along the shelf are segmented by the effects of vertical motions. Pull-apart depressions near the passive parts of transform faults indicate basement deformations in the interfault blocks and activation of shear displacements of dextral kinematics near the bend of the passive parts of the faults to the northeast from main oceanic azimuth. Segments with isostasy maxima on the shelf correspond to areas with coarser grain size granulometric composition, indicating leaching of fine sedimentary fraction from the bottom material.