Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma (Aug 2011)
Tinjauan Kontemplatif Peranan Akuntan di Era Konseptual: Perimbangan Kembali Kehakikian Otak Belahan Kiri dan Kanan
Contemplative Review of Accountant Role in Conceptual Era: Rebalancing Right dan Left Brain Essence. The world is facing a shifting of era, from information to the conceptual age. This Library dan Information Study (LIS) will see a shifting in the accounting profession dan illustrates the future of new accountants competencies from the stdanpoint of social science philosophy. This study uses a multi-disciplinary dan multi-paradigm to provide a thorough dan complete picture of the profession dan science trip amid shifting times. Interestingly, this study reveals various facts about erosion of traditional competence of accountants that still adhered to today, the worsening stereotypical portrait, as well as the urgency in changing the pattern of grinding of competence.