Ķazaķstannyṇ Klinikalyķ Medicinasy (Dec 2017)

Sensorineural hearing loss after bacterial meningitis in children

  • Aliya Seidullayeva,
  • Gulnar Zhaxylykova,
  • Dinagul Bayesheva,
  • Raisa Sundetova,
  • Bulat Aitzhanov,
  • Almagul Orymbayeva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 46
pp. 14 – 19


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Sensorineural hearing loss – form of hearing loss up to its total lossat which any of the sites of the sound-receiving part can be damaged. The most important problem of patients with sensorineural hearing loss is lack of effective treatment and inability to restore hearing because 80% of patients who suffered from bacterial meningitis loss of hearing is accompanied by ossification of internal ear structures. However, bacterial meningitis is still registered in Kazakhstan and is a reason of development of sensorineural hearing loss and often accompanied byossification of internal ear structures in children and adults leading to longterm neurological lesions, such as hearing impairments or hearing loss. For early diagnosis of hearing loss in children with bacterial meningitis, an audiological examination should be performed in the first 48 hours from the onset of the diseaseand after discharge from the hospital for 1 year. To date, the only effective method of hearing restoration is surgery – cochlear implantation. This review of the literature is devoted to one of the actual complications of bacterial meningitis – sensorineural deafness in children.
