Nigerian Dental Journal (Jun 2023)
Background: Dental fluorosis is a developmental disturbance characterized by excess fluoride in hard tissues of the teeth. The appearance of teeth affected by dental fluorosis may negatively affect individual self-esteem and overall quality of life. Thus, the need for treatment, though there is still debate on the best treatment modalities. The objective of this study was to document the presentation and management of dental fluorosis in a resource limited facility in north central Nigeria. Methods: A cross-sectional hospital-based study conducted among out-patients attending a secondary oral health care facility in Jos, north central Nigeria between June 2020 and June 2022. Sociodemographic characteristics were recorded. All patients were examined for presence of dental fluorosis. Dean’s Index was used to classify dental fluorosis. Patients with dental fluorosis who consented to the study were treated. Treatment modalities included oral prophylactic treatment, microabraision and resin infiltration. Data analysis was by the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 A p-value of < 0.5 was taken as statistically significant. Results: During the study period, 1201 patients presented with different oral health challenges. Among these 200 (16.7%) were diagnosed of dental fluorosis. The mean of the patients with dental fluorosis was 14.15 ± 1.91 years. Nearly half 98(49.0%) of the patients who presented with dental fluorosis were children, 65(32.5%) were teenagers and 37(18.5%) were young adults (p=0.037). Among the patients, 123 (61.5%) were females. The moderate type of dental fluorosis 75(37.5%) was the commonest type of dental fluorosis seen. Out of the 200 patients with dental fluorosis, dental caries was present among 55(37.5%) patients. 185(92.5%) requested for treatment. 231 intervention procedures were undertaken on different classes of dental fluorosis. Conclusion: Dental fluorosis is prevalent among the dental out-patients seen at the study center during the study period. More patients presented with moderate class of dental fluorosis. Presentation was more among children and teenagers below 20 years. More female presented and requested for intervention than the males. Resin infiltration was found to be cost effective at this facility.